• 澳洲買樓打造財務自由
$139.00 $139
  • 國際書號ISBN:9789623883771
  • 系列:
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 版次:
  • 尺寸大小:210X140X12mm
  • 頁數:176
  • 印刷次數:
  • 語文版本:中文(繁)
  • 重量:370 g
  • 分類:
內容:澳洲Alison老師全無保留,分享如何嚴選筍盤,只買投資級別的房產。 先求知,後投資 打破迷思,只買對的產品 甚麼才是投資級別房產? 買地建屋入場費約300萬港元 怎樣用盡稅務優惠增加現金流? 以個人、公司、還是信托名義持有房產? 香港澳洲樓市大不同,放下港人買樓思維。 突破香港的6個不可能 澳洲買房財務自由5部曲 隔山買牛宜與忌 怎樣成為FIRE一族:澳洲買房財務自由5步曲 稅務按揭慳家秘笈:負扣稅+折舊=省稅神器 投資買樓致勝心理學 新手買澳洲樓9個常犯錯誤 作者簡介 澳洲Alison老師,由香港移民到墨爾本,成功取得澳洲執業律師資格卻一心跑去做地產教育及銷售顧問工作。天生愛地產的我,唯一的工作﹑唯一的興趣及唯一的投資也是地產。在移民的路上,我慢慢放下了港人對投資買樓的思維,換上了澳洲人的投資買樓視角。作為香港持牌地產代理,同時是澳洲持牌地產代理,努力為香港人打造到澳洲買樓的橋樑,透過深受歡迎的YouTube澳洲地產頻道「澳洲Alison老師」,為港人提供最新最全面的澳洲房產資訊。


  • [email protected]

    2024-08-04 21:37:15

    Review of Alison’s Book on Achieving Financial Freedom through Australian Property Investment Alison's book, published by The Starite Book Company Limited, is a comprehensive guide designed to help readers navigate the complexities of property investment in Australia. Alison shares her extensive knowledge without reservation, offering readers foundational knowledge, useful insights, and practical hints that are invaluable for both property investment and wealth accumulation. The book begins with the crucial principle of gaining knowledge before making investments, aiming to dispel common misconceptions and emphasize the importance of selecting investment-grade properties. Readers are guided through understanding what constitutes an investment-grade property and the associated entry costs, such as approximately HKD 3 million for land and house construction. Alison also delves into maximizing cash flow through tax benefits, comparing the implications of holding property under personal, corporate, or trust ownership. The differences between the Hong Kong and Australian property markets are highlighted, encouraging readers to adopt a new mindset tailored to the Australian context. Key features of the book include: The five-step approach to achieving financial freedom through property investment in Australia. Practical dos and don'ts for investing in properties from afar. Strategies to become part of the FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) community through a systematic five-step process. Essential tax and mortgage tips to save money, including the benefits of negative gearing and depreciation. Psychological insights into successful property investing. A guide to avoiding common mistakes that new investors make when buying property in Australia. This book is an excellent resource for anyone looking to develop an organized plan for generating passive income through property investment in Australia. It provides a clear roadmap, backed by Alison's expertise, making it an essential read for aspiring investors. Jim
