2023 is the last year under Land Luck #8. When Land Luck #8 switches to #9, we would witness more changes in economic and social terms. Certain trends may even be turned around for 180 degrees. That explains why Hong Kong sees impeded growth in 2023. It doesn't mean Hong Kong will be a complete flop. It just means development and advancement at full speed may not be possible in the short term. Master So accurately predicted that COVID-19 would be under control in 2023. But viruses associated with the respiratory system, such as trachea and throat, are still mutating and taking different forms. Under the influence of extreme weather events, natural and manmade disasters will be rampant around the world. The stock market shows bullish trend before plummeting later in the year. Speculators and investors should take a conservative approach and stay vigilant. Those interested in buying stocks should do it within your own means. Do not follow market sentiments blindly. ~from Your Fate in 2023